
List of the Principal Works of Goethe, with the Dates of their Composition.


TITLE AND DESCRIPTION.                              DATE       
The Lover's Whim, Pastoral Drama .................. 1767 – 1768
The Accomplices, Comedy ........................... 1769
Satyros, or the Deified Satyr, Drama .............. 1774
Plundersweilern Fair, Puppet-show ................. 1774
Prometheus, Dramatic fragment ..................... 1773
Faust. Part  I. Tragedy ........................... 1773 – 1806
       Part II. Tragedy completed in .............. 1831
Elpenor, a Fragment, Tragedy ...................... 1781 – 1783
Iphigenia auf Tauris, Classical drama ............. 1786 – 1787
Torquato Tasso, Classical drama ................... 1787 – 1789
The Natural Daughter, Tragedy ..................... 1799 – 1803
Gotz von Berlichingen, Prose drama ................ 1773
Egmont, Tragedy ................................... 1775 – 1787
Clavigo, Tragedy .................................. 1774
Stella, Tragedy ................................... 1774
The Brother and Sister, Prose drama ............... 1776
The Wager, Comedy ................................. 1812
The Gross-Cophta, Comedy .......................... 1789
The Burgher-General, Comedy ....................... 1793
The Rebels, Political drama ....................... 1793
The Triumph of Sensibility, Dramatic whim ......... 1777
The Birds, after Aristophanes, Comedy ............. 1780
Erwin and Elmire, Melodrama ....................... 1775 – 1788
Claudine von Villa Bella, Melodrama ............... 1775 – 1788
Jery and Bately, Melodrama ........................ 1779
Lila, Melodrama ................................... 1777 – 1788
The Fisher-Girl, Melodrama ........................ 1782
Sport. Cunning, and Revenge, Opera Buffa .......... 1785
What we're bringing, Prelude ...................... 1802
Pandora, Drama .................................... 1807 – 1808

In addition to the above, there are nearly 20 minor dramatic


TITLE                                               DATE       
  Sorrows of Werther .............................. 1774
  The Elective Affinities ......................... 1809
  Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship ................ 1777 – 1796
  Wilhelm Meister's Wanderings .................... 1807 – 1829
  Conversations of German Emigrants ............... 1793 – 1795
Notes on Winckelmann .............................. 1805
Life of Philip Hackert ............................ 1810 – 1811
Life of Benvenuto Cellini (Translation) ........... 1796 – 1803
Autobiography ..................................... 1811 – 1831
Letters from Switzerland .......................... 1775 – 1808
Tour in Italy ..................................... 1786 – 1817
French Campaign ................................... 1792 – 1822
Annals ............................................ 1819 – 1825
Art and Antiquity ................................. 1815 – 1828
Theory of Colours ................................. 1790 – 1810

In addition to the above, Goethe produced an almost endless
number of translations, criticisms, essays, etc.


TITLE                                               DATE       
Masonic Songs (7) ................................. 1815 – 1830
Poems on Pictures (21) ............................ 1819, etc.
Invectives (44) ................................... 1802 – 1824
Political poems (54) .............................. 1814, etc.
Masques (14) ...................................... 1776 – 1818
Poems in the name of the citizens of Carlsbad (7) . 1810 – 1812
Poems on Individuals, etc. (209) .................. 1778 – 1831
Chinese-German Poems (14) ......................... 1827
Prophecies of Bakis (33) .......................... 1798
The Four Seasons (99) ............................. 1796
Epistles (3) ...................................... 1794
Achilleis -- Canto I .............................. 1798 – 1799
Reineke Fuchs ..................................... 1793

Theatrical Prologues and Epilogues (12, including
  the Epilogue to the Song of the Bell) ........... 1782 – 1821

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